Sunday, 12 July 2009

the last performance of "Ex-Press"

Nine weeks ago the performance "Ex-Press" of the türkish national theatre Ankara opened the Orient-Theatre-Express and again this ensembles is the 1st one to have its closing night.

A last time we show the turkish ensemble onboard the train entering the fully booked theatre area in Stuttgart Harbor. Once again the stage opens and for sure it is not just for the directors Mustafa und Övül Avkıran but also for their ensemble, the only ones having been on the train for all of the trip, a miracle moment. At the end we see Mustafa and Övül standing up and cheering in tune with the thrilled audience - it`s a bit like saying goodbye to the "Orient Theater Express".

Just two hours later also the ensemble of the Zagreb youth theatre with their play "Seven days in Zagreb" had an emotional last night on the festival.

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